It has been many months since my last post. I'm sorry to have stayed away for so long. This is cathartic, this is healing, this is cleansing - and I have missed it.
I read the first part of 1Peter (most of the first chapter) this evening, and it was good. I began to formulate ideas in the old manner again. God is good, and His words are life.
Three weeks ago I had chest pain. After four hours I took myself to ER. The doctor said it didn't look like a heart attack, but at 'my age' they had to do all the tests. So I was admitted, and put through a bunch of test. Turned out to be nothing, other than the REAL heart attack I had when I got the bill.
Then I dropped a spa on my hand. My left hand. This is important, because I was ALMOST over the pain in my right hand from a jammed hand I received helping a friend move. But nothing was broken this time, and the pain is slowly subsiding. I had full range of motion within two days, so again, I'm sure nothing was broken. After the ER visit I am not going in for any exams until the bank account fills back up a bit. Oh, the picture? Not mine. And it's just a raspberry a guy smashed in his hand. He said it was tasty.
Short and sweet - not too neat. But I skipped the gravy and went right for the meat.