God is unseen, yet ever present. The Bible scholars use the term "Omniscient" but that's just not a word that comes up in conversation daily for me or the folks I live and work with. Yet, it is an important concept that hit me this morning as I was praying.
God is there. Where? Well, everywhere. There is not a place he is not. David said,
"If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there." Ps 139:8
Jonah cried out to him from the belly of the whale and God was there. Took the guy three days to finally place the call, but that's a story for another day - the point is God was there.
I can't see him, sometimes I feel His presence yet most of the time I don't. But He is there. Invisible yet there. I don't know which part impacted me more:
* the fact that He is always there, or
* the fact that I'm not always aware of it.
Both are measurements. One of God's utter faithfulness, and one of my fickle nature. Lord God, make me more like you. And make me more aware of your presence - not just once or twice a week, not once or twice a day, not in one particular place or a couple of places, not just when I wrench time out of my schedule and give it begrudgingly back to you - no. Father, make we faithful as you are. Let me learn to live in Your presence. I do live there, teach me to be aware of it.
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