I had hoped this blog would be an extension of my personal journal - an outgrowth of my own personal study of God's word and the amazing truth that can truly revolutionize a person's life.
But I have re-read the last few blogs, and I have begun to see a trend toward just sitting down and typing. I can do that - it is sort of an outgrowth of the 'gift of gab' I am equipped with. But it doesn't guaranty the level of content I was aiming for when I felt called to start this blog.
Well - OK. I have changed other areas of my life, and I am well aware that this process, while painful, is not finished. I am going to try to dredge up the strength to change again. I can tell you that people can change. Note that I did not say 'change themselves.' No, in order to change, we have to do two things:
-see the need for change, and then
-cry out to God for the strength to change.
I don't think any of us are truly 'finished,' God loves us far too much to leave us stagnant. But He loves us enough that once we set out on the path toward change, He will not only equip us, He will lead, guide and direct.
I have studied God's word for all of my adult life. You really can't find a place where it says, "God has a wonderful plan for your life." You can find "plans to prosper you and not harm you," and, " I am the way," and "no man comes to the Father but by me," and many other verses where God lets us know that He will "make our paths straight."
But not "a wonderful plan for your life," which is what so many evangelists promise. Sometimes, the plan which God has for my life includes walking in the rain, doing push ups when I don't want to, working hard, watching people I love go through tough times, and even harder things. Because the plan God has for us is designed to build our character, not our comfort.
I was reading in Genesis this morning, and I got to the place where Isaac needed a wife. Abraham was old, blessed by God, but needed a wife for his son to carry on the family lineage. It was part of God's plan, and part of God's promise. So - Abraham chose a trusted servant. I don't think he chose by whim, or good looks, or smooth speech. He chose a servant who would make this mission his own, and would honor his master by putting every effort into it - and a man who would follow the leading of God.
And God DID lead the servant. In the message, this simple line is posted -
"26-27 At this the man bowed in worship before God and prayed, "Blessed be God, God of my master Abraham: How generous and true you've been to my master; you've held nothing back. You led me right to the door of my master's brother!"
For my friend Tom - here it is in the King James version:
" 27And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham, who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth: I being in the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren."
The point is - God does have a plan for our lives. The life of every major player in the word of God shows us this. There are example after example of it. There are promises made by God - and then kept down to the last detail. There are prophecies made and fulfilled, there are obstacles overcome from the tiny to the gigantic. Of course, some of those promises were utter desolation, ruin, and having your family and possessions wiped from the face of the earth. And even that serves as an example of the absolute faithfulness of God.
So - can I trust God to lead my life? Yes. Can I trust myself to get moving so God can steer me? I certainly hope so.
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