The image I uploaded with this blog came from NASA - I was looking at over fifty amazing shots and it was one of them. Some were taken from the International Space Station, others from the Space Shuttle, but I think they all were taken from orbit. You know - 'from space.'
The hurricane in the picture is Felix. Can you imagine the impact a storm of that size would be having on the people on the ground? Hard to imagine, since it looks so beautiful from above.
But we do tend to forget that even when storms rage and clouds cover the sun, whether we are talking about clouds real or figurative, the sun is still shining above it all.
God sees us from above, according to Hollywood, the Media and most people who give it only casual thought. But the Bible mentions "Emmanuel," God With Us. With. As in- the sun may be shining above the storms of life, but God isn't up there wishing us the best of luck. He is right there WITH us, in the midst of the storm.
I like that better. Thanks Father God.
God with us always until the end of the age. THANKS FOR REMINDING ME OF THAT GREAT TRUTH!!!!!!