Monday, November 29, 2010

Sermon prep 101

Prep for next week's sermon begins in earnest today. Funny how that sounds so normal and correct, yet in reality I am one of those people who sees almost everything that happens to me as a potential sermon point.

I don't preach that often any more - let's put that in perspective: I have done a handful of Wednesday night Bible Studies and two Sunday Sermons in the past twenty years - so as I say, I don't preach often.

Which means that I have many years of sermon points saved up, and the big job ahead of me is to hear from God which one, two, or at the most: three He wants me to use this week. And it gets better: I have already seen a list of the things which are to be included into next Sunday's schedule, and I will be lucky to have about thirty minutes at most. At most!

So - I feel more like an editor than a student at this point. But you want to hear the biggest challenge?

I am asking God that I say exactly what He wants our church to hear - and that may have nothing whatsoever to do with my huge stack of stuff. God tends to speak to the exact issues of the exact time and place of the exact person who is willing to be a listener. So I have to hear from Him this week as I study, and be ready to throw aside all the things I want to say to the church so I can say what HE wants me to.

How hard could that be?

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