There is a man who has apparently lost his mind. He also lost his job, his wife left him a while back, and the state just came and took his twin children away from him. He is a known party-hardy boy, and has been observed using cocaine on many occasions. He also drinks to excess constantly, by his own admission.
He has publicly stated that, he's "losing my mind," among other things. And the network first stopped production of a hit show (leading show on TV according to some) due to his out-of-control behavior, and then they fired him due to his out-of-control behavior and his outlandish verbal attacks on the producer, the show, his co-stars, and pretty much everything else in the world.
He makes a lot of money. I have seen anything from a low of 'only' 1.2 million dollars per episode (about one episode per week)up to 2 million dollars per episode. But even if they cancel the show, or replace him with another actor and try to go forward, he will still have income for the rest of his life from the syndication of this one show, let alone other things he has done. Of course, if they DO can the show, all the other actors, writers, technicians, sponsors and crew will just be out of luck, thanks to this one man.
And yet, for some reason, the press just can't seem to get enough of him. They post every little tweet, every word, and he has posted a couple of 'episodes' of an on-line "reality show" - some sort of video blog or some such thing - and it gets headlines. Headlines! Right now - in case you read this far down the road and can't remember - there are serious things going on in our world. Egypt is having a melt-down with people in the street being shot by the government for protesting. Our economy is still wobbling, there are state legislators who have fled from Wisconsin to avoid voting on ending the strangle-hold a union has on taxpayer's money, Quadaffi is running amok, etc. etc. And yet this man gets a headline almost every day!! Can we just give him what he deserves? Which, in my opinion, would be:
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