I just spent a frustrating half hour trying to log into my Blog. Most of the time I get logged in automatically and don't have to enter any info at all. This morning it wanted my info. I don't deal with change well...
I entered the wrong email account, so I could not get in. It was perfectly normal to expect that result, but since I didn't know that I had entered the wrong account info, I didn't expect the result I was getting. I finally asked to retrieve the password, and the system sent it to my email. Of course, it didn't show up at the first email account I opened - nor the second - but when I finally found it in my account from our church, only then did I realize that it was I with the problem, not the computer, nor the BlogSpot web site.
Don't you love it when you finally clear things up like that? And prove that you are to blame, not somebody else, not the computer, you? Yeah, it's pretty common with me. Let it go Chas, let it go...
So what I was thinking about as a topic today was not in anyway related to this - so I don't know if I am being redirected here or if I just haven't woken up enough yet. I did stay up late last night, and that has a way of making the morning come pretty quickly - as some of you know. But what I was going to write about was the way in which we tend to give God our leftovers. No, not everyone, every time, but often.
Perhaps if I get logged in correctly tomorrow, I can expand on this thought. But in the meantime - examine yourself. Are we giving God the best we have, or just the last, leftover, lost or the lame?
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