Ever leave home without some important part of your life? I'm talking about a credit card, a wallet, perhaps your cell phone or blue-tooth earpiece, or even your keys? I have just read a status update on Facebook of a friend who said she left town without her cell phone, and she said she feels 'naked.'
I have gone on trips and left things behind on purpose, but even though that was a choice I still felt like something was missing the whole time. We get so used to having our things with us that we do really feel lost without them sometimes. As I sit here typing, I see my blue-tooth earpiece plugged in to charge: it just turned green indicating that it is ready to go. And it will go - I take it with me when I go walking every morning. Why? I have no idea! I have never gotten a call while on a walk, that I can remember, and I have been doing this on and off for several years now... other than people in other time zones, I don't know very many people who are even up and around while I'm out walking, let alone calling folks.
So why is it I can feel so 'naked' and incomplete by the lack of one little thing like that, and yet there are days I can leave my house without so much as a glance at God's word or a song of praise?
God's word - don't leave home without it.
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