My dog. What a gift! What an amazing animal. What intellect, sensitivity. What a cold nose!! She likes to carry my shoes off and lay on them. She hasn't chewed one to bits, yet, but I suppose that's because she usually tries to carry them off while I am right next to them - more than once she has carried off the right shoe as I was in the act of putting on the left shoe. Fun times.
But the thing she likes to do above all, is to be with me. I take her to work, I take her on deliveries, I take her on trips to San Diego, I take her to the park. And she will sit and adore me, and heave large contented sighs of amazement. I like dogs in general, but I really like this one in particular.
Just yesterday afternoon, I was sitting in my recliner, fighting with a sore back. I have a good strong back which no longer gives me the trouble it once did, but just like anyone else I can overdo things. I did. So I came home early from church and was trying to find a comfortable position. Not able to do so, I just turned on some mindless drivel and tried to get my mind off of getting old. The dog, sensing my discomfort (I'm sure) came over and nuzzled at my arm and hand. It was a wonderful gesture of love for a master, but I didn't want any of it at that moment. I turned to her and said, "get a life!"
My niece - another brilliant being in my life - overheard my comment, and opined that, "you are her life." Wow - truer words were never spoken! This dumb beast would have only my wife to depend upon if not for me, and I'm sure you would see my wife walking around in a soft brown dog-skin jacket within a week. I feed her, brush her, bathe her, buy her things. And, I clean up after her, speaking again of the dog, not my wife. I chase her to get my shoes back and I really chase her quickly to get my wife's shoes/slippers/clothing items back ... life-saving, that last one. I am her life.
OK - put it together yourself this time: God... is... our ... life.
There you go. Happy Monday!
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