It's amazing how fast I can change from "isn't that cute," to "stupid dog!" My birthday dog just ate my hat. Well, let me modify that a bit: She didn't consume the whole thing, I might not have noticed that for a few days. She chewed part of the brim off. It is a hat that I happen to like, and I do plan on wearing it in the future - once it dries off that is - but she gnawed off a nice piece of the front.
It was cute when she ate the Pastor's shoes. I laughed when she brought out my wife's slippers - especially since my wife was chasing her while wearing the matching slipper on one foot... but this! This is personal! She has crossed a line here. I may have to do some 'training.' Some sort of dog whispering is going to need to take place here. My DIL told me that letting the dog chew shoes (old ones) is not a good idea because the animal will not know which shoes are for her and which ones are not. Turns out to be good advice, and I am going to act on it. But as a result, I am also going to have to lower my vaunted opinion of how amazingly, blazingly, blindingly brilliant this brown doggy truly is. *Large, dramatic sigh*
OK. So I have made the needed adjustments - I have changed. Will she? We'll see. I have also gone on the web site to see about ordering some rawhide chews in bulk. I got some for her from the local pet store which said, "long lasting." I guess to some people, ten minutes is a long time. But as a side benefit, we did get the whole living room floor cleaned. If 'licked by a dog' qualifies as 'cleaned.'
OK - it is Christmas Eve. All day. And I am about to do my very best to stay as far away from any shopping-related place of business as I can possibly do. And you?
Remember the very best gift any of us ever received: Jesus. Given to us by a loving heavenly father to reunite man and God. Thanks God!
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