Last night we had a banquet to say "Thanks" to our pastor of the past sixteen years. He and his family will be leaving us - they were elected to a leadership position in our denomination's Southern California office in Orange County. This is a big deal, and we are proud that Dr. Cervero was elected the way he was. However, that doesn't stop us from being very sad at losing him as Pastor.
So - we put on a huge banquet. The place was packed, and for the first time in my memory, we required tickets, paid in full, before anyone got on the list. I only mention that to communicate that everyone who was in the room was there because they had listened to the announcements, signed up as they paid their money, and so on. They were there on purpose, if I can put it that way.
As a result, they were a very good audience - VERY good. I was the "MC" of sorts: I kept things moving, and I kept a little entertainment flowing as we were waiting for the chicken to thaw out -which was the only 'hitch' in the evening, but even that was met with smiles as people truly enjoyed just sitting around the tables chatting and having a good time. And we had some of the most delicious Tri Tip roast imaginable, so I'm not sure the chicken was even missed.
We had a comedy troupe put together for this event called "The Three Amigos," who did a few skits/sketches, we had a guest speaker who did a mild roasting of our beloved pastor and family, we even created an award called "The Dr. Anthony J Cervero Thermostat Award," which started out as a gag but morphed into a true honor to the man and the ministry, and will be an ongoing award given to those who exhibit the traits and character of this awesome man of God.
And then the moment came: I handed the mic to the Pastor with a bow - and begged for mercy as I humbly took my seat.
But he was gracious. He ribbed us lightly - said that "The Three Amigos" were a hit, then some mild teasing came to us and to many others in the room who played a part in the past sixteen years of ministry. But then a wonderful trip down memory lane ensued, full of humor, laced with sadness, and wrapped in a challenge to be the drem fulfilled. It was one of the most gracious presentations of it's type I have ever seen from this man who obviously loves this church, yet carries the burden of an amazing wit!
I won't go on much more, not all of you even know this man and his family, but suffice to say that if you have Pastor who truly loves you, you are blessed. Thank God for that ministry, and then - be sure you thank the man or woman too!
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