One time I thought I would be a good homeowner and spread out a dose of 'Weed 'n Feed,' a product which is supposed to kill weeds while feeding the lawn and give you a nice, lush, green lawn. Within two days the whole yard went brown. Seems our "lawn" was no lawn at all. Just weeds.
After getting a real lawn in place, I have tried to take a bit better care. I feed it once a year, and I follow the instructions on the bag of chemicals and water the lawn twice a day for a week after feeding. Its amazing how green it gets during that time.
Those are the days I want to have photos taken of my house, because it's not like that the rest of the time. And it makes me wonder:
If I was to just water more - would I have a nice green lawn? Forget the chemicals and the money I spend on them, what would happen if I just watered? Sounds so simple. But I have never connected my sprinkler valves to the timer sitting on my shelf gathering dust. I have to go out and turn on the sprinklers by actually turning a valve. The humanity!
Sort of like the time I spend in the Word of God - it's work. And I have to want to do it, because it takes me two weeks to develop the habit of being in the word daily, and about two minutes to get OUT of the habit.
But the result is the same: when I water my lawn it flourishes. When I water my spirit, it does the same.
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