Wednesday, January 5, 2011


In advertising, there is always a push to try to speak directly to people. If I say, "Hey YOU!" most people will simply ignore me, because there are so many things vying for their attention that way.

Billboards, TV commercials and the like tend to be in that category: they simple announce to the world, "Hey! We have this cool product." But few people see that as important to THEM, unless they happen to already be in the market for that product, or have an interest in that product.

However, if an ad shows a golfer on a golf course, it is going to call out to people who golf, AND people who have golfers in their lives. It is much more personal for them. You and I have seen ads aimed at people like that all the time. Recently I heard a radio ad for people who have been effected by mesothelioma - the disease which results from exposure to asbestos. Now THAT is specific. I have no idea how many people will perk up their ears at that one, but to me they may as well begin speaking another language, because I tune it out right away. They have not called me by name.

But if they say, "Do you have type two diabetes?"
Or if they say, "Are you struggling with weight loss?"

They have me.

So - if there was a way for an ad to say, "Tom Houde!" or "Hope Wolf" right at the top, I guarantee you: it would get our attention. In fact, even if it said the names I just typed, I would focus in on it because I KNOW those people and I would want to see what on earth is going on that their names were popping up before my eyes like that.

So - how does God speak to us? By name. He has his big, grand advertising scemes - "repent for the kingdom of God is at hand."

That really doesn't draw people in.

But when He says, "I love YOU," it gets personal. Individual. And that's how He rolls.

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