I am surrounded by power. AC power in the walls and appliances of my house, the power of a big V8 engine under the hood of my truck, the power of caffeine to wake me and hopefully keep me awake as I climb behind the wheel for six hours in Southern Cal traffic... with only a couple hours of sleep behind me.
I ran the battery in my iPhone down yesterday. The phone is designed to give plenty of warning, and as it got to 20% power it politely told me. I had the choice to shut the phone off, or 'dismiss' the warning. I pressed 'dismiss.'
I did that because I had a charger in my truck, and so as I prepared to drive from that service call to the next, I plugged my phone in. But for whatever reason, the charger and my phone were not compatible. I think I have used that charger before, but it may have been my older iPhone. I know I have gotten warning signs on whichever iPhone it was, telling me that the charger was not fully compatible. It told me that I may not have full cell coverage, or some limitation of the function of the thing, but I am pretty sure that it at least charged the battery. But yesterday it seemed to have 'had it,' or my new phone is different, so it gave me three pages of warnings including a yellow triangle with the words, "not charging."
Pretty clear, that one.
The power flow was simply not going to happen. I chuckled that as I have now purchased the most advanced phone that Apple Corp. sells, it is so complex that my lowly car charger can no longer simply shove 12 volts DC into the charging port without an argument.
My lovely and gracious wife was out shopping last night, and she purchased a new car charger kit. It says "for iPhone" on it, so I will see in a few minutes if it will work.
God wants to implant power in my life. But I admit, sometimes I am too demanding to receive it. I want it a certain way, at a certain time, with certain connections to other things I want to do, with witnesses, or with recognition, blah blah blah.
And God is up there, with power which is truly Universal, Spiritual and Transformational, but He can't get it into me because I have become too "advanced."
God - search my heart. Show me if I have become my own phone. But if I have, please don't leave me there. I need the power of the Holy Spirit, so if you show me blockages to the flow, let me have the courage to change. In fact, I know you want me to change, you will help me to change, in fact there really is no other WAY for me to change. So - let the power flow, Lord Jesus.
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