Sunday, July 18, 2010

A tale of two charts

I have many friends. And of those many friends, I have many who are struggling with the down economy. And of those, two come to mind this morning. I pray for my own business all the time, and I have to admit that I pray less for my friends. I want to change that, so I'm going to take some steps to put together a list, or program reminders onto my phone or something like that. I have done this in the past successfully, but one by one all the systems expired or got set aside.

It's amazing to me to watch trends. I am on a weight-loss odyssey, and keeping a chart of my weight shows me if I am trending up, or down. Down is better. I keep a chart of my walking, and it shows at a glance if I am walking more, less, or a good faithful amount, and how often. Those two charts have an amazing ability to coincide with each other. A mathematician would say they have an "inverse or negative relationship."

As I walk less, I lose less weight. Technically, a chart (I have one, which will not be posted here at this time...) would show my walking graph descending, and my weight graph ascending.

Funny how I can so clearly see the relationship, and yet there are days, even weeks when I just can't conjure up the strength of will to do what needs to be done to reverse the trend.

Same with prayer and spiritual growth.

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