Lord - I am hurting. I have some people in my life who are in a hard place. Some are relatives of relatives, others are good friends, still others are people I know. I have a desire to help these people, to DO something for them. But God is the one who will have to do the helping this time, and I am the one who gets to stand by and wait and watch. And that is hard.
My own financial situation is tenuous, getting better but still not real firm. We are now looking at selling some stock investments which were meant for long-term future growth, and which are down right now, along with everything else in the economy. But if we give up most of our future plans, we can most likely save our present situation. But having worked so hard to provide for our future, that is hard.
We have a bunch of toys. A bunch of expensive stuff. We need to sell it all, but there are not many people willing to pay very much for luxury items in a down economy so we will be lucky to get pennies on the dollar, and in no way will it be enough to really help us out other than to at least stop the payments of property taxes, DMV fees and the like. And then, we will not have them any more - And that's hard.
In all this, I have learned to trust in God. Because whatever happens, I have my relationship with Him, and in the midst of the storm, I have found that my wife and I have finally learned to grow together in hard times.
And that, my friends, is very - very - good.
We are in that same press...crushed, but definitely not abandoned! God promises to be with us in the process and James and I are definitely closer than ever before in our 25 years of marriage...well spoken.