Do you ever wake up and with even the most ardent pressure just can't garner up a smile, or force out a word?
Me either. I generally drive my non-morning-person wife nuts talking her ear off, especially after my second cup of coffee. Which, of course is actually more like three or four 'cups' since a 'cup' of coffee is actually 6 ounces. Who knew? All these years I have been having a nice mug of coffee which contains close to TWO actual cups! I know! What a scandal! I'm thinking about writing a blog about it.
I measured my mug this morning, and sure enough, twelve full ounces of goodness. Wow - and to think that all this time I have "having a cup of coffee," I was ACTUALLY having TWO "cups" of coffee at once.
But what I am actually wondering about is the fact that from my earliest recollection, restaurants and diners have been serving coffee in those little 6 ounce cups. Were they watching pennies? Did they enjoy lying to the public? Was it a conspiracy at the highest level? Were Democrats in charge? Nowadays, of course, they have dispensed with the tiny cups and saucers and gone straight to mugs, which I bet are a full 'cup' as defined by reality. What is it in our society which has driven us to up-size so many things food-related? Look at how many people around you come out of a fast-food joint with a full quart of fluid: half inside them and the other half in a 'free refill' cup of what would have fed a family of four just a couple of decades ago.
Sometimes things happen for which we are simply not prepared. I'll have to give this some more thought, and get back to you.
In the meantime, I'm going to go have a bowl and a half of oatmeal
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