I was reading this morning about the details of the tools and implements to be used in the Worship in the Tabernacle during the time Israel spent in the wilderness. There is some detail in how these tools are to be made, and how they are to be used. It is interesting that the people who make these things are not to be worshiped. The tools themselves are not to be worshiped either. In fact, it could very well be that the golden calf which Aaron had built to appease the people - the one they worshiped and sacrificed to while Moses was up on the mountain in the very presence of God! - that calf could very well have been made by the same craftsmen, or the same type at least.
So - we have one product of skilled hands which was created in rebellion, and led to the death and destruction of thousands as they broke faith with God and worshiped an idol they had made with their own hands - and then we have another product of skilled hands which was created to be used in the worship of God in His Tabernacle, later the Temple.
Notice the subtle difference: one thing was built and then worshiped, the others were built and then used to worship God. I know I'm repeating, but it just stuck out in my Chas-brain so starkly: which one am I doing? Am I using the things my hands have wrought to worship God, or am I guilty of producing idols in my own life?
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