Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm back

Well - I went to Weight Watchers today for the first time in months. Months!! Wow - how could so much time pass so very quickly? Well, it did. And that's not all that happened quickly - I have gained weight.

I found a long time ago that I need a very simple recipe for losing weight: watch what I eat, and exercise daily. So simple. Yet, I slowly tapered off of watching what I was eating, and my exercise slowly dropped from little to none.

But -

I'm back. I walked this morning. Then I went and weighed in. And I am about to go over my tracking program to be sure all my favorite foods are correctly listed so I know how many points I am consuming with each and every morsel. And - I hope I'll get to post a weight loss amount next Monday, a week from today.

1 comment:

  1. I for one am glad your back on track. Stay health my friend.
