I am sitting in my office. The phone is not ringing. People are not walking in. The place is a ghost town. Hope has sold a few spas lately, but we are still not covering expenses. I am getting more and more sure that it is time to give up. Quit. I'm not a quitter, generally. But I think it may be the time to look into something else.
Now - just so you know - at the exact instant I typed the above, the phone rang, and somebody was asking for directions. They came about three minutes later, and bought a new cover for their Hot Tub, a $425 (plus tax) sale. That's a nice bonus! But it still doesn't pay the rent. It would pay the rent on a storage facility, or smaller place, but I really do think God is trying to show us it's time. Time to move on.
Add to that the fact that I was listening to a sermon by my former pastor (Dr. Tony Cervero) and he said, "there are times we may think it's all over. But it's never over until God SAYS it's over."
So - is that what you are saying God? You started plenty of people over in the Bible. Moses - and NO I'm not trying for any comparisons here - blew it big time. He spent 40 years in the desert as a result, but God used him in a huge way.
Dear God:
I am ready to start over again, if that is your will. Direct me, free me from the things which would hold me in place, and let me know if it is truly time. I'm yours, and I trust you.
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