I am headed to the lake today. Some friends and some relatives are coming along, and yes, even the dog. But we have tried to get out there three other times this summer, even going so far as to get the boat out of the warehouse, dust it off, gas it up and have it sitting in front of the house "on the hook" waiting patiently to get wet. And we even had various friends who spent the night on our various couches so they could go with us - only to not go.
What happened to keep us dry? A webcam.
Yes, the lake we go to is called "Castaic," which is apparently "Windy beyond all use" in some alien tongue. And it does get a bit windy sometimes. So much so that if we get a couple of hours on the lake from sunup to about eight we are happy. If we get to enjoy the lake till noon we count it as amazing. But it is the closest large lake to home, and when it's good, it's REAL good. So we try and try.
And the webcam? Well, they have set up a web site with an automated weather station with wind speed and direction, and a webcam - so I can get up and see the lake right from here. We can then make the decision whether or not to make the one-hour drive, or just go put the boat away. And mope. The picture above is fresh off the webcam. OK - so the sun isn't up and you can't see a thing, but I have sandwiches to make and iceboxes to pack, so check back here later if you want to see how it turns out.
Today? Looks good. Funny - I was just thinking the other day that I have asked God for a webcam into my future. I have never used those exact words until right now, but that's pretty much what I want when I ask Him for help in deciding my future plans. I say, "Which way should I go here, Father?"
But I may very well only be offering two choices -
So - today I take the Spiritual Webcam offline. Lord - I'll go where you tell me. No, I'm not going to offer you two or three choices of things I want to do, or directions I want to go. I will open the field to all you have. Anything. Oh, and as long as I'm praying, can we have a nice day at the lake today?
Thanks Lord,
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