I rise alone, and it is dark. A voice in the darkness is calling to me. Not a voice I hear with my physical ears, a voice in my spirit, a voice I have grown familiar with over many years. The voice calls me to come away with Him. I wish I didn't have to admit it, but I resist. I am tired. I don't want to get out of my comfortable bed, next to my loving wife and my pillow seems to be able to communicate for a second, calling me to stay. No.
But I have listened to that pillow before: it is a liar. It offers rest, but I find more rest in the presence of the Lord. It offers peace, but I find more peace reading the promises of God and renewing my mind. It offers comfort, and here it does not lie, yet I realize that it is in seeking comfort and ease that I have had all of my greatest failures and falling in my life. No.
So I rise, and welcome the morning - and the one who created all things is there, waiting to greet the day by my side. Where will we go this fresh, new morning? Will I lead? Or will I follow - it is wise to follow but more common to run ahead. I sometimes see what I think is the goal and dash away to pursue it. Things common to earth don't always end up having the value I placed on them as I raced to consume them, raced to try to own them only to find that they ended up owning me. No.
Am I to be defined by what I own? I look around me. I have a kingdom, and for the first time in a long long while I take inventory. If I had to vacate my kingdom in an instant, what things would I take along? What would truly matter to me so much that I would be willing to risk life and limb to save? I realize that in valuing things, I allow them to become my little lords and kings. No.
So what will the day hold? What will fill my valuable time? Will I find diversions, will I find pleasure and amusement? Will I look back and see that more of my day went to try to fulfill foolish things than sublime? Silly pastimes or matters of eternity? Business beckons, schedules seduce, and conquering calls me. No.
I will rest. Not physically, for that still small voice has called and I have risen to meet the maker of the day. But I will rest. Yes, that is it - I will rest in His presence, in His joy, knowing that he is waiting to be with me. WITH me. IN me. Beside me, to lead and guide me. Not through only my day, but through my life - the life He has taken great joy, delight and love to plan. The life He will show me, one morning at a time. Yes. Yes, Lord.
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