If I found a pill which would safely and effectively allow me to eat as much as I wanted to without gaining weight, I think I would take it. I love eating. But food is not my friend, and I don't have the option of over doing it anymore. I think the fine folks at most of the fast-food establishments around my home are already noticing a down-turn in their bottom lines, and I am in danger of In N Out giving away my reserved parking space as I work to reduce the size of my, uh, bottom.
But as I was pondering this 'easy way out' for reducing, I came across an interesting idea. What if there were pills to take for everything? I saw a headline recently about an AIDS vaccine. This is a disease which got its start and has risen to epidemic status in some countries due entirely to the elective behavior of people. So if they do discover a vaccine, would those behaviors begin to increase? Would people care less about the rightness or wrongness of various behaviors if the fear of a painful end result were removed?
If there was a vaccine for throat and lung cancer, would smoking increase? Would we allow cigarette machines in elementary schools and day-care centers? If there was a vaccine for Diabetes, would Ben and Jerry's be piped directly into every home like cable TV is now? And if we could get a vaccine for being overweight, would kitchens be converted to storage rooms and Jack in the Box begin 24 hour room service to entire cities?
I sometimes wonder about how I would live if there was no Hell.
Well, too deep for a Saturday morning. Get out there and overeat. Smoke, drink, live like the fires of Hell have been quenched. And let me know how it works for you. I'm going to go eat my 2 point breakfast and take a walk.
For every ache and every pain.
ReplyDeleteFor every ill of toe or brain.
So many folks have the belief.
That they will surely find relief
If folks would quit these things and pause
Just long enough to find the cause
Of all their ills,they soon would learn
How they'd been fooled, and then they'd turn