The drill.
I was sitting in a small group meeting last night, and we were watching a DVD by John Bevere from the "A Heart Ablaze" series. He mentioned that the church today seems to be selling a 'great cover-up.' Seems we offer Jesus at the altar in much the same way that a used-car salesman offers a 'deal.'
"Come to Jesus and He'll give you peace, joy, happiness, money - everything you want need desire."
But that's not what happens. In reality, the deal works something like this: Come to Jesus and He will give you the power to serve Him. Your life will be complete, but it will be that way because you will be working the way God designed you to work - and that does involve a new lifestyle. Faith without works is dead, as Paul tells us, so why are we producing a generation of Christians who seem to think that "serving God" equals getting?
Bevere gave several good illustrations, but one really hit home. He said that many of these new-fangled Christians keep living a life of sin even after committing to God at an altar. They offer the excuse that "God knows my heart."
He said something along the line of, "if you have a tree in your yard you don't have to take a drill and go drill a hole into the center of the thing to probe around and find out what kind of tree you have. If the thing is an apple tree, you'll know it how? Because the tree will produce Apples."
Great series. Check it out. Keep your Bible close by, but get motivated to a lifestyle which reflects who is the Lord of that life.
What fruit is your life producing?
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