I have been fasting Facebook for the past two days. It is not some cool spiritual growth attempt, my account simply will not sign in. Others have told me they cannot access my account on line. When I try to get to my account I get a message that says the account is not available due to some server maintenance, that it should be available in a few hours, and that they are sorry for the inconvenience.
Wow - this leaves me only one choice -
Go live my life in the real world!! Scary... Maybe I'll see you out there?! Sorry, don't want to make anyone nervous.
Maybe I should calculate how much time I spend on FB and give that to some more worthy cause. Can any of you suggest something - anything - more worthy than the time we all spend online? Yeah. OK. I'll get back with you on that.
Have a great weekend. If you are anywhere near Ventura, come check out our "Trunk or Treat." It is a family friendly festival. Free admission, live music, candy for everyone, food is available for a few bucks - come have some fun. I'll be dressed as the guy who can't get on Facebook.
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