Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Growth -

Wow =- it's Wednesday already. What happened to Tuesday. Forget Tuesday, what happened to the last twenty years of my life!

I was just taking stock of my life. I obviously must not do that very often. I have been in meetings where the speaker said, "think of where you were five years ago. Have you grown? Think of where you want to be five years from now. What are you doing to get there?"

I felt like I needed to change. But I don't know if I did. Sure, I make changes in my business - I hire new people, fire others, lay off folks as business demands, try new suppliers, new shippers, even try selling different brands of goods. But overall, I'm still in the same business.

Do we do the same with our Christian walk? Do we make small changes here and there, like putting a new band-aid on a missing limb or something?

There are small changes which can make huge differences, but there are also small changes which only make us feel as if we are advancing, growing, when we really are not. Hmm. I may have a sermon here.

I'll let you know.

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