Saturday, November 27, 2010

New weapons of warfare

I read a fascinating article yesterday. It was all about a computer virus which is now coming to light - but don't worry, this one is not going to offer any threat to you or your computer. It was aimed directly at Iran - specifically Iran's nuclear industry. And it worked: over a period of time thousands of machines were ruined. Not computers, but machines which helped to make enriched plutonium and/or other heavy metals and elements of nuclear bomb production. And the computers which controlled these thousands of machines were sealed: they were isolated and NOT connected to the Internet in any way.

So how did the virus get into these 'safe' systems? It first went into the computers of people who worked at the plants. One by one people - yes, individual people - were targeted and their computers were infected. Then, one or more of them brought home some work, or transferred one file or document to and/or from their personal computers, and that was the way in for this devious virus. Once 'in,' it had enough smarts to go to the control systems, AND erase it's trail so nobody knows (and that is still true) exactly HOW it got in. That way, they can't protect against further intrusion, so it will be possible for this type of attack to be used in the future.

In fact, this type of virus could very easily be in place in the nuclear industry in any number of other countries right now - waiting and watching for the way into the very core.

If you are interested in all the gory details, here is a link to the entire article. It's long and detailed, but it paints a picture of mass destruction from a very elegant little virus. The article was written by Ed Barnes, published November 26th, 2010 by, under the title: "Mystery Surrounds Cyber Missile That Crippled Iran's Nuclear Weapons Ambitions" I give you all of that information because I don't know how long the link will be useful, and you can search for it later. Or ask me to send you a copy via email.

What's the big deal with this? Well, the systems which were attacked were very specific, and the way the virus got in was totally unorthodox in computer virus technology. It never would have made it 'in' if it hadn't been escorted in by people who never knew they were even being used to do so.

Just like the church - people bring in all manner of things which can cripple and even stop the work. Complaining, gossip, anger, territorial wars, tradition, comfort, personal peace and affluence - all these and many more things which well-meaning people unknowingly bring into the church can go straight to the very heart of ministries and stop them cold.

I pray that I am not one of those people! I am just as vulnerable as you. Lord Jesus! Help us to keep this from happening.

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