Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hard work

I'm not afraid of hard work. I'm not afraid of werewolves either - but that doesn't mean I want to go out of my way to have either of them in my life.

We have not been selling as many hot tubs as we normally do - this should come as no surprise given our economy - yet God is faithful and we have begun to make a little money again. We are doing it by working harder. It's the pits! But it had to happen sooner or later.

We have sold more replacement covers, filters, supplies, repairs, and other small-ticket items recently. Those items make us far less money per sale, and take more work per sale, but with enough of them taking place - well we can make ends meet.

So now what? We were convinced that our business was at the end. Now, we are not so sure. God! What we need here is a little direction, please. Oh, and thanks for the sales you ARE bringing in, please don't stop. OK?


  1. I understand. I have started electrical here in Texas...I have a sense of purpose, but the near term plan is not apparent.
    In the meantime, I am blessed to be able to work and work hard.
    YOU are blessed as well. You have your direction: go to work.

  2. Hard work is ok but you two (Chas and James) need to get to the gym after your hard day of work and hit the iron.That when the real work starts.Glad you are both blessed with and abundance of work.
